Williamsburg/Norge Contra Dance, Saturday, 1/6/2024
Norge Community Hall 7402 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, Virginia, United StatesSaturday evening contra dance. Caller: Gwyn WIlliams
Sponsored by: TADAMS (Traditional American Dance and Music Society)
Saturday evening contra dance. Caller: Gwyn WIlliams
Location: Lewis Ginter Recreation Association Music: Jim Harrington and Rya Martin Caller: Will Martin Admission: $10 members/students, $15 non-members, 14 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 1:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: While vaccinations are excellent for preventing disease, TADAMS no longer requires proof of vaccination to participate in our dances. Wearing a mask […]
Contra Dance Third Fridays, this month only at Grace Church Red Hill Band: Dusty Hedgehog Caller: Kappy Laning Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Negative test within 24 hours accepted in lieu of vaccination. Entry: $10 - $20, $5 for low income; contribute what you can.
This introduction to calling contra dances is for all dancers, musicians, or wanna-be callers. The workshop will start promptly at 3:00pm. Please RSVP to allbrandt@cox.net so we know how many to expect. Invite your friends to come dance with us at 5:00pm (no charge) so you can have some practice calling to friendly faces. Some […]
Location: First Lutheran Church, Norfolk, VA (see map below) Admission: $10 Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 7:30pm to learn or review basic steps.
Location: West End Ballroom Music: Petrichord Caller: Virginia Varland Admission: $10 members/students, $15 non-members, 14 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: While vaccinations are excellent for preventing disease, TADAMS no longer requires proof of vaccination to participate in our dances. Wearing a mask remains optional.
The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 29 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room of the TUCKAHOE AREA Public Library. If you will be attending via Zoom, please use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86313234586?pwd=Rm9IWDVxZ1Zsc1VqbFdxSW8ybUpXQT09 Meeting ID: 863 1323 4586Passcode: 847734
Saturday evening contra dance. Caller: Phoebe Williams
Location: Lewis Ginter Recreation Association Music: Unbowed Caller: Gwyn Williams Admission: $10 members/students, $15 non-members, 14 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 1:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: While vaccinations are excellent for preventing disease, TADAMS no longer requires proof of vaccination to participate in our dances. Wearing a mask remains optional.
Contra Dance Third Fridays at Greenwood Community Center Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Negative test within 24 hours accepted in lieu of vaccination. Entry: $10 - $20, $5 for low income; contribute what you can.
Location: West End Ballroom Music: Stay All Night Caller: Jack Maus Admission: $10 members/students, $15 non-members, 14 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: While vaccinations are excellent for preventing disease, TADAMS no longer requires proof of vaccination to participate in our dances. Wearing a mask remains optional.
Monthly board meetings are open to the public and engagement is encouraged. Board meetings typically occur the Monday following the final dance of each month. The February board meeting has been re-scheduled for Tuesday, February 27 and it will take place by ZOOM ONLY. To join the meeting, please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81068183507?pwd=b1p4QlNzc21zTTV1YmV1Q2FKcnY2dz09 Meeting ID: 810 […]