Sponsored by: TADAMS (Traditional American Dance and Music Society)
Location: West End Ballroom Music: McKenzies (Lynchburg): Marcia McKenzie, guitar; Woody McKenzie, fiddle Caller: Phoebe Williams (Williamsburg) Admission: $9 members/students, $12 non-members, 18 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to […]
The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday June 26 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room of the TUCKAHOE Public Library. If you will be attending via Zoom, please use the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89784330222?pwd=WWtrQ2RQdVM1TFNlZ0poUUhldEhsQT09 […]
Location: West End Ballroom Music: Bruce Young and Henry Koretzky Caller: April Blum Admission: $9 members/students, $12 non-members, 18 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to learn or review basic […]
The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday July 31 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room of the TUCKAHOE Public Library. If you will be attending via Zoom, please use the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89097057721?pwd=dEpmYzVLU1dWQmE1UUtQVStERCtodz09 […]
Location: West End Ballroom Music: Unbowed Caller: Gwyn Williams Admission: $9 members/students, $12 non-members, 18 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: While vaccinations […]
The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday August 28 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room of the TUCKAHOE Public Library. If you will be attending via Zoom, please use the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86705294021?pwd=ZEJBZkxBRSt6YVZ5ajN6Mzg1aVNjZz09 […]
Saturday evening contra dance.
Contra Dance Third Fridays at Greenwood Community Center Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Negative test within 24 hours accepted in lieu of vaccination. Entry: […]
Are you a musician who would like to know more about how to play for social dance? Join TADAMS for a workshop taught by Janet Muse (Piano) and Mike Dunn […]
Location: West End Ballroom Music: Go Figure Caller: Joy Greenwolfe Admission: $9 members/students, $12 non-members, 18 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: While […]
The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday September 25 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room of the TWIN HICKORY Public Library. (The Tuckahoe Library was not available for this date.) If you will […]