TADAMS is an all-volunteer run, non-profit organization. Our monthly board meetings are open to the public and engagement is encouraged. Board meetings typically occur the Monday following the final dance of each month. May's meeting will be one week later (in June, but reviewing topics from May) due to the Memorial Day holiday falling on […]
Join us for a Ceilidh (pronounced KAY-lee) featuring Scottish Country Dances, English Country Dances and Contra Dances. The program will start with Scottish, progress to English, and finish with a majority of contras. This eclectic program is an excellent opportunity to try folk dance style(s) that may be new to you! Location: Lewis Ginter Recreation […]
Location: West End Ballroom Music: The Hot Seats (Richmond) with Josh Bearman, Rudy Bzdyk, and Jake Sellers Caller: April Blum (DC) Admission: $10 members/students, $15 non-members, 14 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: While vaccinations are excellent for preventing disease, TADAMS no longer requires proof of vaccination to […]
The TADAMS Board will devote the June 24th meeting to a discussion of dance role terminology, which our community is invited to participate in. We will meet in the Conference Room of the Tuckahoe Area Public Library and the meeting can also be attended remotely by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88546732999?pwd=b6npODXbQKo93itN7Wp2AJHtcVeoVv.1 Meeting ID: 885 4673 2999Passcode: 563042 - […]