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Williamsburg/Norge Contra Dance, Saturday, 4/5/2025

Norge Community Hall 7402 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States

First Saturdays, every month September-May to music by the Friends of Appalachian Music. Each evening traditionally ends with the Virginia Reel! This evening's contra dances will be taught and called by Virginia Varland.


Rivanna Contra Dance, Friday 4/18/2025

Greenwood Community Center 865 Greenwood Rd, Crozet, Virginia, United States

Contra Dance Third Fridays at Greenwood Community Center Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. ***Mask optional*** Entry: $10 - $20 sliding scale

$10 – $20

Williamsburg/Norge Contra Dance, Saturday, 5/3/2025

Norge Community Hall 7402 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States

First Saturdays, every month September-June to music by the Friends of Appalachian Music. Each evening traditionally ends with the Virginia Reel! This evening's contra dances will be taught and called by Ben Allbrandt.


Open Band eXperience Sunday Workshop (LGRA), 5/11/2025

Lewis Ginter Recreation Association 3421 Hawthorne Ave, Richmond, VA, United States

Location: Lewis Ginter Recreation Association Admission: Workshop is Free (Stay and play for the dance afterwards!) Dance Band Workshop: Participate in a music workshop on “How to be a good dance band” and then demonstrate your mastery of the material by playing for a contra dance that afternoon (2:30-5:30pm)! Band leaders are Steve Suhring on fiddle and Jack Maus […]

Rivanna Contra Dance, Friday 5/16/2025

Greenwood Community Center 865 Greenwood Rd, Crozet, Virginia, United States

Contra Dance Third Fridays at Greenwood Community Center Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. ***Mask optional*** Entry: $10 - $20 sliding scale

$10 – $20

Williamsburg/Norge Contra Dance, Saturday, 6/7/2025

Norge Community Hall 7402 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, Virginia, United States

First Saturdays, every month September-June to music by the Friends of Appalachian Music. Each evening traditionally ends with the Virginia Reel! This evening's contra dances will be taught and called by Gwyn Williams.


Rivanna Contra Dance, Friday 6/20/2025

Greenwood Community Center 865 Greenwood Rd, Crozet, Virginia, United States

Contra Dance Third Fridays at Greenwood Community Center Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. ***Mask optional*** Entry: $10 - $20 sliding scale

$10 – $20