March 30, 2023
Greetings everyone,
March is almost over, and we have enjoyed a strong start to 2023. It has been great to see everyone on the dance floor. As you might know, we increased our dances to twice a month and even had a caller’s workshop in mid-March.
The caller’s workshop was a success with eleven (11) attendees: many were local; some were our neighbors to the east and west; one was passing through from out of state. We also had one from the English Country Dance community.
I want to thank Ben Allbrandt, from Norfolk, for suggesting and running the workshop. To help foster this new talent we are looking at having a guest caller for one set at each dance in the future. Next, we need to encourage local musicians.
The second quarter is bringing exciting schedule changes as we mix in Sunday afternoons at our old home, Lewis Ginter Recreation Association (LGRA): April 23 and May 7: we will be hosting Sunday afternoon dances at LGRA. One reason for the change is many of our friends in Norfolk and Williamsburg have asked for the opportunity to dance with us without a late-night drive home. Recognizing that afternoons are also a great time for families, there will be youth activities including a children’s dance lesson and games in the downstairs gymnasium concurrent with our regular contra dance upstairs. You can help by inviting family and friends with children.
Starting in June we will drop to one dance per month through August.
Please be aware that although we have Saturday May 27th (Memorial Day weekend) on the calendar, we don’t yet have talent booked and may need to find an alternative source of music for that date. We will keep you posted on developments.
As mentioned, check the website for details because this coming quarter is going to be irregular: Dance Calendar
There are many ways to stay informed:
- look for email announcements
- follow TADAMS on Facebook or Instagram
- check out our dance calendar, and click “subscribe to calendar” to add TADAMS events to your personal digital calendar.
I look forward to seeing you all on the dance floor!
Robert Linkous
Traditional American Dance and Music Society