Donations TADAMS is run entirely by volunteers who work out of love: love for dancing, love for music, love for community. But love doesn’t pay for our callers and our musicians, who don’t get much, or our lovely hall, which gets more expensive every year. TADAMS operates on a very small budget. We keep our prices as low as possible so as many people as possible can enjoy and come to love contra dancing as we do. To help ensure TADAMS longevity, please consider becoming a member, which gets you a $5 discount at every regularly scheduled dance. And if you can, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to TADAMS to help keep us going. We really appreciate it! TADAMS is a registered 501(c)3 charitable corporation and is eligible to receive tax deductible donations from individuals and foundations. Your donation may also be eligible for a company match, so please check with your employer. You can donate in person at a dance, or by clicking the donate button above (via PayPal), or by mailing a check to: TADAMS P.O. Box 15897 Richmond, VA 23227-5897 Thank you!