Location: Lewis Ginter Recreation Association Admission: Workshop is Free (Stay and play for the dance afterwards!) Dance Band Workshop: Participate in a music workshop on “How to be a good dance band” and then demonstrate your mastery of the material by playing for a contra dance that afternoon! All skill levels and instruments are welcomed to join […]
Location: Lewis Ginter Recreation Association Music: Open Band eXperience led by Steve Suhring Caller: Will Martin Admission: $9 members/students, $12 non-members, 18 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: There will be no beginners workshop for this dance. Instead there will be a workshop on "How to be a Good Dance Band" starting at 1:30pm. See the separate workshop announcement. […]
Contra Dance Third Fridays at Greenwood Community Center Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Negative test within 24 hours accepted in lieu of vaccination. Entry: $10 - $20, $5 for low income; contribute what you can.
Location: West End Ballroom Music: Club Contra (recorded) Caller: Brian Hamshar (Charlottesville) Admission: Members Appreciation Dance! Members can dance for free! Otherwise, $9 students, $12 non-members, 18 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: While vaccinations are excellent for preventing disease, TADAMS will no longer require proof of vaccination […]
The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday October 23 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room of the TWIN HICKORY Public Library. (The Tuckahoe Library was not available for this date.) If you will be attending via Zoom, please use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81959545149?pwd=eVEzMjBob3RzVlAxNFFWTDR3M0MzQT09 Meeting ID: 819 5954 5149Passcode: 377172