Rivanna Contra Dance, Friday 5/5/2023
Rivanna Contra Dance, Friday 5/5/2023
Contra Dance at Grace Church. Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Negative test within 24 hours accepted in lieu of vaccination.
Sponsored by: TADAMS (Traditional American Dance and Music Society)
Contra Dance at Grace Church. Beginner lesson at 7:00 pm. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Negative test within 24 hours accepted in lieu of vaccination.
Circle dance lesson for children ages 3 to ~12 in the downstairs Gymnasium. Adults and teens are invited to participate in the contra dance beginner lesson in the downstairs Ginter Room (see the adjacent Sunday dance announcement). Please arrive at 1:30 for check-in and greetings, lesson starts at 1:45. Children should wear gym shoes. Children are invited […]
Location: Lewis Ginter Recreation Association Music: Rhythmajigs (Charlottesville): Jack Maus, piano; Michael Giordano, fiddle; Pattie Reum, whistles and flute Caller: Bill Wellington (Staunton) Admission: $9 members/students, $12 non-members, 18 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 1:45pm to learn or review basic steps. Dancer's Gymnasium: Children ages 3 - ~12 are invited to participate in supervised group play activities […]
The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday May 22 at 7:00pm in the Conference Room of the TWIN HICKORY Public Library. Please note the location in Glen Allen. The other location was already booked up. If you will be attending via Zoom, please use the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88164670577?pwd=Wm5YZTBOV1lROUFmcGdqbm1FaUh4Zz09 Meeting ID: 881 6467 0577Passcode: 839122
Check this space before you come to the dance (it's Memorial Day Weekend) Location: West End Ballroom Music: Smash the Windows (Pennsylvania): Ryck Kaiser (fiddle), Bruce Young (viola), and Peggy Kaiser (piano) Caller: Ben Allbrandt (Norfolk) Admission: $9 members/students, $12 non-members, 18 & under free. Beginner’s Workshop: Arrive early at 6:45pm to learn or review basic steps. COVID: […]